Client Programs


Pre-Vocational Services may be the most appropriate employment option for the individual when work experience and work competencies need to be developed.

This program provides work opportunities in a setting that allows the individuals to work at his/her own level of capability, and offers training in all spheres of employment to include job training on a variety of jobs, social competence in the work place and worker personality. Individuals are assigned a Program Specialist and placed in a work center where they are assisted in reaching their highest level of employability.  The Pre-Vocational programs combine structure and flexibility to encourage the individual to meet the demands and responsibilities of a work routine. At OSI, clients perform a wide variety of in-house subcontracting services and earn a paycheck which is commensurate with their production, while gaining transferrable work skills, and providing valuable services to local companies.


Mental Health Vocational Rehabilitation Program

For those individuals who are unable to maintain employment in a competitive environment due to mental illness, OSI provides work opportunities in a setting that allows the individuals to work at his/her own level of capability. This program offers training in all spheres of employment to include job training on a variety of jobs, social competence in the work place, and worker personality. The program provides structure with flexability to encourage the individual to meet the demands and responsbilities of a work routine. The individual is provided with a Program Specialist and assigned to a work area where he/she receives assistance to reach his/her highest level of employability. At OSI, clients perform in-house subcontracting services for local companies. Individuals earn a paycheck which is commensurate with their production.